Hao Lu 吕皓
Artistic Director , Instructor, Founder

Graduated with a major in Chinese Classical Dancing from Dancing Performing Arts Institution of Shanghai Theatre Academy - 毕业于上海戏剧学院舞蹈学院中国古典舞专业

Mr. Lu is artistic director, dance instructor and owner of Hao Dance Arts.

Mr. Lu began dancing at the age of ten and earned his BA in Chinese Classical dance from Dancing Performing Arts Institution of Shanghai Theatre Academy, one of top three dancing colleges. After graduated, he started to teach in Chicago dance studios and Chinese schools, in Jan 2018 he opened his own dance studio.  He believes in the value of continuing education and has implemented many curriculum ideas and creative dance combinations from different types of dances.  It is his desire for all students to enjoy their dance experience while learning to appreciate the art, mental discipline and physical demands of dance. He is always excited to share his passion and knowledge of dance with his students. And since beginning his teaching career, Mr. Lu has earned numerous regional and national awards for his outstanding choreography.

吕皓, 艺术总监,中国舞与拉丁舞老师,皓舞创始人,拥有者。毕业于上海戏剧学院中国古典舞专业,精通古典舞,中国民族民间舞、现代舞,芭蕾舞,国标舞(拉丁舞及摩登舞)。

吕皓老师从小接受专业舞蹈训练,十岁开始学习拉丁舞和摩登舞,曾荣获体育舞蹈锦标赛全能冠军。后考入上海戏剧学院舞蹈学院专攻古典舞。在校期间就多次参加央视大型舞蹈活动,有丰富的演出经历及编排能力。 他与生俱来的敏感细腻, 使他的舞蹈行云流水, 悠柔有韵 ,强点爆发震撼; 他对音乐天生独特的理解与领悟, 使他非常擅长在细节上精雕细琢, 由细微处见精美, 从而使其作品出类拔萃,美丽流畅, 回味绵长.

现从事舞蹈教育培训多年,他为学生们创作编导的舞蹈不仅舞姿优美内涵深远,而且新颖出奇富于创新, 他善于博采众家之长, 从各类中国民族民间舞蹈中提取其精髓, 这使得吕老师创作的中国古典舞蹈作品,优美典雅, 深具中国古典文化之魅力。


